Recruitment is so much more than finding a simple skills match – job and person. You always hear professionals sprout about the key fit in terms of culture. Making sure an individual fits the values of the organisation is imperative and I totally agree but I think as business owners and managers you need to also evaluate the motivation for application.

I am a convert to the Simon Sinek ways and so the first question you should ask is WHY?

  • Why do you want to work in this role?
  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • Why do you want to work in this industry?
  • Why do you want to work in this geographical location?

These are really important questions that will lead to understanding the candidates reasoning and will lead to true employment fit. If someone is motivated in ways that do not match what you can provide or what is on offer the relationship is destined to fail.

At the screening phase of recruitment understanding the way to ask these questions is important to start to paint a richer and fuller picture to test if the fit is there to proceed to interview.

Validating the motivations or the WHY at interview is critical. Here is where you can read body language to understand if the candidates motivations are authentic and if they fit the need of your business.

You hear and read all about retention and how to motivate staff, personal motivation is the building blocks to getting this right. If you understand the WHY someone works for your business or WHY they work in the sector you can understand from the start if this employment relationship is going to be fruitful for both parties.

So next time you are recruiting be sure to add the WHY questions to your interview and this will help you become a more effective business through smarter placements.

If you want to learn more about how to incorporate this into your recruiting process HRG is motivated to find better employment fit, so start a conversation with us today.